– A human bard of level 42.
Jorge, a human-like being from Mayrit—formerly a city of the Umayyad Caliphate—was born into a Catholic family with strong beliefs. After years of gaming, he harnessed his technical and mathematical prowess to embark on a lifelong adventure in programming and data visualization.
- Using runewords, he summons jokes to stun his enemies. Area damage affects all enemies within a 150 range. Allies in the surroundings regenerate 10 HP per second. It increases the morale of all allies (+2).
- The pythagorean scroll of the golden verses
- The euclidean book of the elements

- High school at Instituto Veritas in Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (1999)
- Constructed a functional radio using a copper plate.
- Studied multidimensional physics and its implication.
- Developed a strong foundation in ethics and human values.
- Erasmus in the Institut für Informatik und Mathematik in Leipzig (2010)
- Proficient in German and English.
- Diplom of Mathematics at Facultad de Matematicas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2011)
- Mastered algebra, calculus, and graph theory.
- Developed evolutionary algorithms and optimized numerical methods.
- Acquired proficiency in Fortran, Java, Pascal, and MATLAB.
- Scala functional programming by Martin Odersky in Coursera (2013)
- Explored well-typed functional paradigms and Scala programming.
- Ingeciber: Junior UI developer (2009)
- Developed a UI for CivilFEM, a civil engineering software (Fortran, C++).
- Designed an earthquake resistance module (MFC).
- Automated test reporting for clients (HTML).
- HTWK Academic Assistant (2012)
- Created visual tools for OpenWalnut software to display EKG results (C++, Qt).
- Planquadrat Freelance web developer (2012)
- Developed payment integration modules for booking systems like Scooterplan and Freizeitplan (PHP, SQL).
- Created custom reporting and key management modules (SQL, HTML).
- Enhanced a CakePHP-based platform with advanced visualization tools.
- Uni Leipzig: Academic Assistant (2013)
- Built a transcription portal (GeWiss) for multilingual conversation management (PHP, Java).
- Maintained root server administration and integrated Java Applets for editing.
- Lingolia: Fullstack developer (2016)
- Developed an Android app following Material Design Principles (Java, XML).
- Built an online booking system for firmm (PHP, SQL, CSS, JS).
- Created a comprehensive verb conjugator for four languages (PHP, JSON, JS).
- Eccenca: Senior frontend developer (2023)
- Built a customizable SHACL editor with React and modern web technologies (Hooks, REST API, CSS).
- Created tools to manage ontologies and thesaurus data (SPARQL, HTML).
- Designed a backend structure to query and save SHACL data efficiently using SPARQL queries in TS.
- Bitcoin Graph Explorer
- Developed a tool to compute the Gini coefficient in real-time using Scala.
- Integrated Scalatra API and Playframework for the UI.
- SOLID Chat Framework
- Experimented with creating a scalable chat using the SOLID framework.
- Concluded that RDF and SPARQL are unsuitable for high-performance systems.
- Numbers and Primes Project
- Homepage for sieve and other math funny tools, inspired by great mathematicians.
- List of servers to benchmark programming languages using the Lucas-Lehmer Test.
- Universal Operating System
- It combines all my work until the day, to create a solution for real world problems, as open source.
- Designed to efficiently communicate entities (beings).
- Chess
- Hattrick
- League of Legends
- Magic: the Gathering
- Email: jorgemartinezpizarro@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: Jorge Martínez Pizarro
Extended references available upon request.
For more information you can visit my blog.
Si lo haces con cuidado, parecerá que lo hayas planeado
George von Knowman