This is the personal homepage of Jorge Martínez Pizarro, a mathematician who was born in Madrid, Spain.

Thanks to Prof. Dr. Rutwig Campoamor, for suggesting me to visit Leipzig, it changed my life.

Thanks to Silvia Jiménez too, for helping me to find a new domain name. Thanks to

Last but not least, thanks to Dr. Stefan Richter for inspiring me on writting beautiful open source code.

This site is deployed together with:

Built on github, nextjs, wordpress and docker.

Open to new and interesting projects. You can find more information at




Quantum ist die Macht der guten Idee. Sie durchbrechen die Grenzen von Raum und Zeit

Wenn man so hart an etwas arbeitet, findet man nun einen nicht-polynomialen Betrag von Problemen, abhängig von der Kraft, die man einsetzt

George von Knowman

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